Swiss chard health benefits can not be easily overlooked in the sense that this wonderful vegetable contains various beneficial healthy nutrients that can help the body grow, heal and flourish. Although, most people are not aware of this vegetable, but there are others who know about it and its benefits to health which is the reason that people who know about it often make use of it in their meals with the knowledge that it will benefit their health in different ways and improve healthy living in general. So in this guide, you are going to understand the following about chard after reading this article:

  • Swiss chard benefits
  • Nutrients in swiss chard
  • Swiss chard side effects
  • Is swiss chard good for you
  • Chard benefits skin
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Swiss chard also known as chard is one of the vegetables with high nutritional values and a member of the amaranth family of plants. It is an amazing vegetable with enormous health benefits which is what we are going to discuss in this article in addition to other related areas all for the purpose of benefiting health and improving healthy living. Swiss chard contains huge amounts of vitamin K and nitrates, which help to lower high blood pressure. Of course, eating this wonderful vegetable is associated with many more health benefits which may include the prevention of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, improvement of the appearance of the skin, and can also help to increase energy levels in the body.

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Swiss Chard Benefits

You may be asking, is swiss chard good for you? The answer is absolutely yes because this is a very nutritious vegetable and here are the most notable benefits of chard in detail:

1) Helps To Prevent Cancer: Swiss chard contains chlorophyll, which can help stop the effects of some types of cancers, which are usually caused as a result of grilling and cooking certain foods at higher temperatures. Therefore, consuming chard vegetable which is known to be rich in chlorophyll, together with grilled meats can help lower the potential carcinogenic effects of the meats.

2) Can Help To Lower Blood Pressure: Usually, people who lack minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, are more likely to be exposed to high blood pressure knowing that these minerals can help lower blood pressure by assisting the body to eliminate excess sodium. Obtaining these minerals from nutritional supplements can never be as effective as getting them from their natural sources knowing fully well that swiss chard contains these three minerals, especially magnesium, which supplies the body with energy.

3) Helps To Control Blood Sugar Levels: Among the top benefits of chard is that it can help control blood sugar levels. It contains an antioxidant known as alpha-lipoic acid, which has the powerful ability to help increase sensitivity to insulin, reduce glucose levels, prevent physical changes as a result of oxidative stress-induced processes in diabetic patients, prevent osteoporosis, reduce symptoms of peripheral neuropathy that may affect diabetic patients as well as reduce the likelihood of developing retinopathy caused by damaged blood vessels in diabetic patients which is among the top swiss chard health benefits.

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4) Helps To Improve Bone Health: The high content of vitamin K in swiss chard can help to improve bone health and protection of fragility knowing that vitamin K works to improve the protein structure of bones, reducing the amount of calcium excreted in the urine and improve calcium absorption in the body knowing that vitamin K deficiency is associated with a higher risk of bone fractures, and one way to increase its levels in your diet is by eating green vegetables such as chard, watercress, and spinach, all of which can increase the amounts of calcium in your body.

5) Can Improve Athletic Performance: One of the benefits of swiss chard is that it can improve athletic performance, as it has been found that the nitrate compounds it contains can help improve the supply of muscle with oxygen during exercise, and this implies that increasing the level of nitrates in your diet may help raise the level of endurance during exercise or sports, and nitrates as mentioned previously, are present in chard.

6) Helps To Promote Heart Health: This amazing vegetable can help to improve the quality of life for people suffering from cardiovascular disease, metabolic diseases, and respiratory disease which are all conditions that can get worse by a lack of oxygen in the body knowing that chard has the powerful nutritional contents to control and fight such health problems. 

7) Supports Skin Health: You may be asking, does chard benefits skin? The answer is yes because the vitamin C content of chard is very good for the skin as well as many of its other nutritional contents which help the skin to glow, fight aging, acne, blackheads and dark circles, etc.

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Nutrients In Swiss Chard

The many benefits of chard result from the high nutritional value of this vegetable of which the following are the most important nutrients that can be obtained by eating it:

  • Calories
  • Proteins
  • Fats 
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Carbohydrates
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin E 
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C 
  • Vitamin K
  • Folic acid
  • Thiamine
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Phosphorous
  • Zinc
  • Selenium

Swiss Chard Side Effects

Despite the various benefits of chard, it has some side effects which may occur in certain cases and they are as follow: 

  • The high content of vitamin K in this vegetable makes it not suitable for people who take blood-thinners knowing that vitamin K contributes significantly to blood clotting, so this can affect these medications and their efficacy in the body
  • Eating this vegetable can be harmful to those who are prone to kidney stones because swiss chard contains oxalates, which lowers the absorption of calcium in the body and can result in kidney stones

Summary And Takeaway

We talked about swiss chard health benefits and importance of which we also touch other related areas just to give a proper understanding of the topic at hand and among the different areas touched on include nutrients in swiss chard, swiss chard side effects, is swiss chard good for you, chard benefits skin and swiss chard benefits. In conclusion, it should be known that this amazing vegetable has different health benefits some of which are prevention of cancer, support for heart health, and the control of blood sugar levels, etc. However, chard should be eaten in moderation to avoid excessive intake that may arise to some negative side effects.

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