How to remove calcium deposits from arteries naturally is a very important topic because the arteries are very essential to the functionality of the body because it transports blood, nutrients and oxygen around the body as and when due of which if the arteries are damaged or blocked, it certainly will affect the health of the sufferer as there will be lack circulation of some nutrients to some parts of the body. In this article, you are going to learn and understand the following about the arteries:

  • How to keep arteries and veins healthy
  • What is the cause of heart attack or stroke
  • How to remove plaque from arteries
  • Can garlic remove plaque from arteries?
  • The main artery of the body supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system
  • How to remove calcium deposits from arteries naturally
  • Best foods for your heart and arteries

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What you are going to learn from this report today will change your life in a very positive way. A powerful elixir that is going to help your clogged arteries clear up and remove calcium deposits will be revealed to you. So follow through to the end to grab all you need to know about how to prepare at home this amazing medicinal elixir that can unclog arteries effectively and improve overall health.

For sure, there are millions and millions of people all over the world who have cardiovascular disease, this can be due to many reasons which include diabetes, obesity, inadequate diet, and lots of stress. So if we take good care of our health, then we are the ones to benefit from it knowing fully well that a healthy individual is more productive than someone who is not healthy. 

The main artery of the body supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system is called the aorta which is the major artery that supplies blood to the body. The aorta can be classified into two main coronary blood vessels which are also called arteries. Furthermore, these coronary arteries are also divided into smaller arteries, which are responsible for supplying richly oxygenated blood to the entire muscles of the heart. 

The work of the right coronary artery is to supply blood to the right side of the heart. Meanwhile, the right side of the heart is smaller than the left side of the heart because it pumps blood to the lungs alone. However, the left coronary artery, which is divided into the circumflex artery and the left anterior descending artery, supplies the left side of the heart with the required blood needed of which the left side of the heart is bigger than the right side of the heart because it pumps blood to the entire body, unlike the right side.

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Certainly, our circulatory system works with the blood vessels, capillaries, and arteries. These tubes advance oxygenated blood through the body which helps to power all the body's functions in as much as those blood vessels are clear and open thereby making the blood flow freely. However, sometimes little blockages build up inside the blood vessels and these blockages are described as plaques or calcium deposits. They can develop when cholesterol is found in the walls of the artery making the immune system sense a problem in the body.

Of course, the immune system is prone to send the white blood cells to attack the cholesterol, this causes some reactions that can lead to inflammation in the body. In a serious case, the cells develop a plaque over the cholesterol and some blockages are then formed and as the plaques continue to grow, they block proper blood flow in the arteries. As such, you may be asking, what is the cause of heart attack or stroke? The simple reality is that when there is a shortage of blood flow to the heart it is known to cause a heart attack and when there is a shortage of blood flow to the brain it results in a stroke. 

You can develop better cardiovascular health by maintaining a healthy living. What we eat plays an important role in improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of building up plaque in the blood vessels. You have to cultivate the habit of eating a healthier diet as years of a poor diet can cause damage to the body while a healthy diet can help heal the body and maintain good health.

With that being said, you have to include more good fats in your diet such as avocados, olives nuts, and fish oil, etc. Olive oil is a good healthy fat, they contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats both of which are great for lowering bad cholesterol. Of course, you have to cut down on too much saturated fat. Do away with artificial sources of trans fats, increase your fiber intake, and cut down on sugar intake because not only is sugar toxic but it's very inflammatory to the body. Do some exercise like jogging, push-ups, running, etc to shed those extra pounds and make sure you are getting the proper amount of sleep daily. 

You may be asking, can garlic remove plaque from arteries? Of course, various studies show that garlic prevents plaque buildup in the arteries, garlic can make the blood less thick thereby preventing the clinging of plaque to the arterial walls. Garlic has been known to play a curative role in arterial sclerosis therapy which is plaque regression, it lowers total cholesterol as well as triglycerides, garlic inhibits platelet aggregation, lowers the fibrinogen concentration, lowers blood pressure, and enhances fibrinolytic activity in the body.

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Among the best foods for your heart and arteries is apple. An apple a day they say can keep the doctor away as it can help reduce blockage of the arteries, this is because the polyphenols in apples, as well as their healing fiber, helps slow down the clogging of arteries and remove calcium deposits. Apples are capable of lowering the blood levels of oxidized low-density lipoproteins which cause bad cholesterol and when it interacts with free radicals to become oxidized the cholesterol is more likely to cause inflammation which can result in tissue damage in the body. 

Turmeric also has powerful medicinal healing properties, curcumin is the main curcuminoid of turmeric and it is a polyphenol which is a plant packed with compounds such as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the cells from damage. However, being overweight can cause the cells to release cytokines which cause damage to the blood vessels thereby exposing them to plaque buildup, but the curcumin in turmeric has the ability to inhibit the differentiation of fat-producing cells which in turn reduces fat storage in the body. Again, turmeric has also been shown to lower blood pressure by promoting relaxation of blood vessels, these relaxed vessels allow for healthy blood circulation which means a lesser chance for plaque accumulation or calcium deposits. 

Black pepper has many healing medicinal properties. The black pepper is rich in a potent antioxidant called piperine and this helps prevent free radical damage to the cells. The piperine found in black pepper enhances turmeric curcumin absorption, this is what makes it more readily available to be used by the body. Black pepper can also reduce chronic inflammation in the case of heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer. It will also promote gut health and can also reduce your appetite particularly if you're trying to shed off some weight.

Lemons can do wonders for our body, they can cleanse the blood and liver and can improve digestion. It helps create more alkalinity in the body. Lemons can help lower cholesterol levels, improves cardiovascular health and these benefits are largely because of the high levels of flavonoids and vitamin C contained in lemons. The citric acid in lemon is known for its immune-boosting, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties.

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Cayenne Pepper is also very powerful because it increases blood circulation, improves the blood vessel's strength, and reduces plaque buildup in the arteries. Capsaicin which is contained in cayenne pepper increases blood movement to the tissues by reducing blood pressure and arousing the discharge of nitric oxide and other vasodilators of which cayenne pepper plays an essential role on how to remove plaque from arteries. 

Okay, if you have followed up to this stage then you will finally get to know the amount of these healing medicinal ingredients that can help you unclog your arteries and remove calcium deposits for proper blood flow and better healthy living. Of course, you are going to need the following healthy foods to prepare this powerful elixir that will flush and cleanse your arteries and make you know how to keep arteries and veins healthy. Thus, below are the ingredients required and how to unclog arteries all by yourself:

1) Half glass of water

2) A clove of garlic

3) An apple cut into pieces

4) Two pinch of black pepper 

5) Two pinch of turmeric. You can use fresh turmeric as well

6) Two pinch of cayenne pepper. You can as well use fresh cayenne pepper

7) The juice of one half of lemon

8) A teaspoon of olive oil

You are going to blend all of them together in a blender, pour it into a glass. You want to drink this powerful medicinal elixir every morning either before or after breakfast, it doesn't matter when as the nutrients contained in it are going to do wonders to your body. This elixir is not only going to help heal those arteries but every tissue, organ, and gland is going to benefit from it. This is a powerful homemade remedy to unclog arteries, control bad cholesterol which in turn improves cardiovascular health and eliminates free radicals from the body.

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Summary And Takeaway

We talked about how clogged arteries can be detrimental to health pointing out how it can cause stroke and heart attack and other related health issues that result in the damage of human cells in the body. We also discussed the different benefits of some healthy foods that can help unclog arteries and remove calcium deposits when blended together such as garlic, turmeric, apple, black pepper, lemon, and cayenne pepper. In addition, some habits like smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol can cause damage to the arteries thereby making them weak and susceptible to plaque buildup. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet is all we want to do for better and healthy living.

Also, the main artery of the body supplying oxygenated blood to the circulatory system was discussed including the best foods for your heart and arteries, how to keep arteries and veins healthy, how to remove plaque from arteries, what is the cause of heart attack or stroke, how to remove calcium deposits from arteries naturally as well as can garlic remove plaque from arteries. Some of the other measures to keep your arteries healthy discussed in this guide include reducing intake of sugar to the lowest minimum, avoid eating unhealthy fats, exercising the body for proper blood flow, avoiding processed foods, and getting enough rest and sleep for the day so that you relax the body and renew energy.

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