High blood sugar is on the rise in so many adults because of an unhealthy lifestyle which can lead to different health conditions including diabetes. In this guide, you will be able to learn the following about high blood sugar levels:

  • Causes of high blood sugar levels
  • Symptoms of high blood sugar levels
  • Precautions to avoid high blood sugar
  • How to use the bitter leaf to fight high blood sugar
  • Properties in the bitter leaf that fight high blood sugar
  • Other uses of bitter leaf for health

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High blood sugar is something no one wants to experience because it can lead to other health complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, diabetes, vision and nerve problems, etc.

High blood sugar is more prevalent in adults than children and can be caused by too much stress, trauma, infections, too much carbohydrates, pancreatic diseases, lack of exercise, and lack of insulin activity in the body.

When your blood sugar is high, it can develop into diabetes which is one of the deadliest diseases around the world that may lead to an untimely death if not treated or controlled properly.

Some of the major symptoms of high blood sugar include fatigue, frequent urination, blurred vision, dry mouth, itchy skin, wounds that rarely heal, increased thirst, breath odor, stomach pain, shortness of breath and vomiting, etc. 

Even though high blood sugar is the major symptom that underlies diabetes, but it can also take place in people who do not have diabetes which is why it is important you control it before it gets complicated.

High blood sugar is also called hyperglycemia which mainly occurs when there is too much sugar in the blood. Therefore, in this guide, you will be able to learn how to use the bitter leaf to help you stabilize blood sugar levels.

Also Read: How To Start A Healthy Lifestyle

The nutritional properties of the bitter leaf which helps to lower blood sugar levels include fiber, proteins, vitamins A, C, E, and minerals such as zinc, iron, calcium, and potassium.

As such, in order to use the bitter leaf to lower blood sugar levels, all you need to do is to gather a bunch of bitter leaves, wash them properly and blend to extract the juice by adding some water.

Drink the juice in the morning and at night before going to bed for few days and you will be surprised that your blood sugar levels have gone down to normal and will remain that way if you control what you eat and the lifestyle you lead.

Also, the bitter leaf can be used to regulate blood sugar levels in different ways such as making bitter leaf tea and drinking it often as well as cooking with bitter leaf and adding it to your diet.

Bitter leaf is widely used in different parts of Africa and serves as vegetables for different dishes of which it's also used for medicinal herbs for other ailments such as cleansing of the liver and kidney in addition to treating skin infections like rashes, ringworm, and eczema. 

Bitter leaf is also very good for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes and can be used as part of treatment for diabetic patients. You can wash the bitter leaf and chew it raw without processing it to get some more benefits. The scientific name for bitter leaf is called vernonia amygdalina.

People with high blood sugar should always take caution in what they eat or drink and the kind of lifestyle they lead knowing that an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to many health complications thereby deteriorating their health.

Drinking excessive alcohol and eating food high in sugar, sweets, and salt can further complicate the issue of high blood sugar which is why caution should be taken in what to eat or drink.

Doing regular exercise and eating healthy can go a long way in helping you regulate high blood sugar levels. Foods like unripe plantain, whole wheat, salmon, legumes, and some type of fruits can be so helpful.

However, you should consider consulting your physician if the case of your high blood sugar persists after using the bitter leaf recipe in order to make sure that there are no other complicated health issues behind it.

Summary And Takeaway

In this guide, a simple and effective home remedy for stabilizing high blood sugar levels was treated explaining how to use the bitter leaf to take care of high blood sugar levels in different ways. Also, the causes and symptoms of high blood sugar were looked into and some ways to avoid it knowing that it's better to take precaution than to get caught up in it. Of course, various nutritional properties of the bitter leaf that relieve the issue of high blood sugar were discussed as well as other uses of bitter leaf for health.

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