Ajwain with no doubt is a great plant with various nutritional values which can be beneficial to human health in different ways. For the purpose of this article, everything you need to know about the ajwain plant will be discussed and explained to enable you to understand and know the importance of this amazing plant. You are going to gain the following knowledge about the ajwain plant (including the seeds and leaves) after reading this article:

  • The overall overview of ajwain 
  • The characteristics of the ajwain plant
  • The nutritional values of the ajwain plant
  • How to make ajwain leaf powder at home
  • The important health benefits of ajwain seeds and leaves
  • How to grow ajwain plant at home
  • The side effect and precautions of eating the ajwain plant
  • The other names that ajwain is called
  • The dosage recommended for ajwain consumption
  • The benefits and uses of ajwain leaves
  • How to make ajwain oil at home
  • How to make ajwain seed powder at home
  • How to make ajwain water at home
  • How to store ajwain seeds and leaves
  • The uses of ajwain for food preparation

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What Is Ajwain?

Ajwain is a seed often used in Indian cooking which is an annual plant and in the family of Apiaceae with the scientific name as trachyspermum ammi. Ajwain is also known as Nankha, ajowan caraway, bishop's weed, thymol seeds, or carom. Both the leaves and seeds of the plant are a source of food for humans. The seeds are grayish-brown in color and oval in shape and look like a smaller version of cumin seeds. 

Ajwain has fragrance and smells a little like thyme because it contains thymol, but it also has a bitter taste similar to spices and anise. Ajwain seeds are harvested in the period between February and March, and then they are separated when dried. India, Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia are considered the original homeland of the ajwain. Like coriander, cumin, and fennel, ajwain belongs to the apatite family of plants. When distilled, ajwain produces thymol. It has been used for ages as a medicinal plant in Ayurveda, the Hindu system of medicine that believes in balance in the body. 

Ajwain is mostly sold in seed form because it is rarely used as a powder in Indian cooking. If you ever need a powder, it is a good idea to buy the seeds and grind them at home as needed knowing fully well that it can also be used as a spice. Ajwain is also used in vegetable dishes because of its distinctive taste as well as its preservative properties. In Afghanistan, the seeds are used when baking bread and biscuits and sprinkled on top. 

What Are The Characteristics Of Ajwain?

Ajwain has numerous characteristics which include the following:

  • Ajwain plant is a herbal plant with medicinal values.
  • Ajwain has a very strong and bitter flavor similar to that of thyme.
  • Ajwain seeds can be turned into a spice for cooking.
  • Ajwain oil is extracted from ajwain seeds and is a form of essential oil.
  • Ajwain plants are planted with either the seeds or through stem cutting.
  • Ajwain plant has many small branches with green and white feathery leaves.
  • The seeds of ajwain resemble fennel and cumin seeds but are not the same.
  • Ajwain seeds can be consumed raw, cooked, or in roasted form.
  • The seeds and leaves of ajwain are used to cure different ailments.
  • The most commonly used part of the ajwain plant is the seeds.
  • The plant of ajwain can be used both topically as well as orally.
  • Ajwain plant can be grown on a farm, garden, or at home in a pot.
  • Ajwain powder can be used as an alternative to other spices.
  • Ajwain is used in the preservation of medicines or drugs.
  • Some manufacturers use ajwain for fragrance in perfumes and cosmetics.
  • Ajwain seeds are used to improve appetite by chewing or drinking ajwain tea.
  • Dried ajwain leaves and seeds can be used to prepare herbal tea.

Nutritional Content Of Ajwain

Ajwain contains a good percentage of a variety of nutrients and chemical compounds important to the body which include:

  • Antioxidants
  • Tannins 
  • Glycosides
  • Moisture
  • Saponins
  • Flavone
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fatty acids
  • Dietary fiber 
  • Protein
  • vitamins
  • Minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorous, niacin, sodium, thiamine, and potassium
  • Saponin
  • Thymol

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What Are The Important Health Benefits Of Ajwain?

Here is a list of the most prominent health benefits that can be gotten from ajwain:

1) Improves digestion: Ajwain seeds can help treat indigestion and relief stomach acidity as these seeds contain chemical compounds that can help to stimulate the production of digestive juices which helps to facilitate and improve the digestion of food. It also helps to treat some digestive disorders and problems such as constipation, protection from bloating and gas as well as reduces the chances of developing peptic ulcers.

2) Improves cardiovascular health: It is possible to use the seeds of ajwain to help improve the health of the cardiovascular system in general as these seeds can help to regulate cholesterol levels in the body by reducing bad cholesterol levels and raising good ones due to the fact that ajwain seeds are rich in dietary fiber and some types of healthy fatty acids that contribute to regulating cholesterol levels in the blood. 

Ajwain has the potential ability to lower blood levels of lipoprotein, a special type of protein that transports fats into the blood thereby regulating blood pressure levels. This type of potential benefit is attributed to the richness of thymol in ajwain, which can have a positive effect on blood pressure.

3) Treatment of some respiratory diseases: The use of ajwain can help improve respiratory health as the ajwain contains nutrients and chemical compounds that have natural antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and these substances can help to accelerate recovery from some respiratory diseases such as the common cold or flu. ajwain is capable of reducing the annoying symptoms that may accompany some respiratory diseases, especially nasal congestion and coughing. It also reduces the chances of contracting some diseases that may affect the respiratory tract which may include influenza and asthma.

4) Resist kidney stones: One potential benefit of ajwain plant is that it can help prevent calcium oxalate deposits. These deposits may increase the chances of developing kidney stones, so eating ajwain can help prevent kidney stones or treat and break up existing kidney stones. 

5) Improves skin health: Ajwain plant can help to improve skin health and relieve symptoms associated with some skin diseases and problems, such as acne, blackheads, whiteheads, rashes, and eczema, etc.

6) Dental pain relief: Boiled water from ajwain seeds can be a powerful mouth wash that can help in dental pain relief, improve gum health, fight some dental problems as well as maintain good oral hygiene.

7) Improves sexual desire: Consuming ajwain seeds and leaves and applying them to your diet is a very good way to enhance sexual desire for both men and women because ajwain plant is a natural aphrodisiac that can keep you sexually active and eliminate some problems associated with lack of sexual urge. Ajwain increases sperm count in males as well as treats premature ejaculation.

8) Fights infections: Due to the fact that ajwain plant has numerous nutrients as well as properties high in antioxidants, antibacterial, antifungal, antibiotic, anesthetic, anthelmintic and anti-inflammation, ajwain seeds and leaves are capable of fighting different infections such as most sexually transmitted diseases and other types of infections that can be harmful to human health.

9) Reduces excess weight: Ajwain is good at reducing excess weight gain. Drinking ajwain water often can help enhance metabolism which in turn helps in burning down body fat thereby reducing body weight. Also, the content of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties present in ajwain is associated with losing weight because ajwain enhances digestion and helps flush out toxins and unwanted fat from the body.

10) Treatment of wounds: The content of thymol in ajwain seeds can act as a powerful germicide and fungicide for treating wounds and accelerating their healing. As such, ajwain seeds can be crushed and applied to the wounded area to treat cuts and infections on the skin. 

11) Regulating the menstrual cycle: Ajwain water has been used in ayurvedic traditional medicine for many years to help women cleanse the uterus and stomach which in turn deals with the problem of irregular flow of periods thereby normalizing the menstrual cycle. 

12) Fight mosquitoes: Mosquitoes can be so annoying and are the main cause of malaria. You can easily make mosquito killer pesticides at home with ajwain. The combination of mustard oil together with ajwain oil extracted from ajwain seeds can do wonders in eliminating mosquitoes. Apply the two combinations around your room or where you want to get rid of mosquitoes to get the desired results.

13) Fights premature grey hair: Ajwain seeds can help stop premature grey hair. In order to get the mixture prepared, add dry grapes, some curry leaves, ajwain seeds, and sugar. Mix them with a glass of water and cook to a boiling point. Drink the water daily for 4 weeks and you will notice the results that you want as your hair will start getting back t normal. When you start noticing that there is reduction of greying on your hair, then reduce consuming the water to three or two times a week.

14) Treatment of common cold and cough: Ajwain can help to treat common cold and cough as it eliminates nasal blockage by allowing the mucus discharged easily. To prepare this mixture, grind ajwain seeds and put them in a hot glass of water, stir it very well and drink it twice daily to get some relief. This can also be helpful in taking care of respiratory issues such as bronchitis and asthma. 

15) Treatment of migraine headache: Ajwain is also relevant in the treatment of headache because of its powerful medicinal value of which it can put a stop to headache if you inhale the powder. In order to make this happen, put some ajwain powder in a small transparent cloth or handkerchief and inhale it at short intervals so that you feel the strong flavor of the ajwain powder. Another way is to keep the ajwain power wrapped in the handkerchief under your pillow before going to bed and you will notice that you will feel better when you wake up in the morning.

Ajwain Side Effects And Precautions 

  • Too much consumption of ajwain orally can be toxic which can lead to serious poisoning.
  • Most peoples are allergic to ajwain seed and when taken can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.
  • Persons with kidney disorders should avoid the use of ajwain as it should be used with caution or in very small amounts.
  • Ajwain should be avoided by pregnant women in excess amounts because of the potential adverse effects on the development of the fetus.
  • The consumption of too much ajwain seeds can result in a high gas level in the stomach which can lead to reflux and acidity.
  • Ajwain consumption may propel the risk of bleeding during surgery and as such it's advised to stop taking ajwain two weeks before having surgery.
  • Some of the bioactive compounds found in ajwain seeds are potent and can result in mouth inflammation leading to mouth ulcers and burning sensation.

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Ajwain Recommended Dosage 

  • If you are taking ajwain in the form of a capsule, it's recommended you take one capsule twice daily.
  • If you are consuming ajwain oil, it's ideal to take up to 1 to 2 drops daily.
  • If you are chewing raw ajwain seeds, a pinch of the seeds is enough for the day.
  • If you are drinking ajwain water extract, it's ideal to drink between 10 to 100mg daily.
  • If you are cooking with ajwain, the recommended dosage is 1 to 3 grams daily.
  • If you are taking ajwain powder, a quarter or half tablespoon twice a day is okay.

How Can I Make Ajwain Oil At Home?

The reason you want to make your own ajwain oil at home is because you want to make sure that what you are using is actually ajwain oil knowing fully well that most people that sell ajwain oil at the supermarkets can add other chemicals to it thereby reducing its effectiveness or they can sell something else to you which is not ajwain oil in order to make money. 

The first step to take in the preparation of ajwain oil at home is to gather the quantity of ajwain seeds you want to use in making the oil. Make sure that the seeds are all sieved and free from unwanted particles. Then go ahead and crush them by any available means you have either manually or by using a blender. After that, have the crushed seeds of ajwain go through the distillation process by using a clevenger apparatus and allow it to extract the oil.

To make it simple, ajwain oil is gotten from crushed ajwain seeds using the method of hydrodistillation in which case the crushed ajwain seeds are heated until the oil is carried away through the steam, condensed, and finally separated. After the preparation, ajwain oil is normally light orange in color with a peppery sharp taste. You have to allow the oil to get cold before using it to avoid mouth or skin burns depending on the way you want to apply it.

Properties of Ajwain Oil

Ajwain oil has a lot of important properties which can be so beneficial to health which is why people who know the importance of ajwain oil go for it in solving different health issues. Some of the powerful properties contained in ajwain oil are anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, insecticidal, antibacterial, digestive, antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-filarial, hypotensive, expectorant, spasmodic, analgesic, tonic, anti-aggregatory, antitussive, and antipyretic properties.

The anti-hyperglycemic property of ajwain oil can aid reduce sugar levels in the body which is very essential for diabetic patients. Ajwain oil contains ethanol and acetone extracts. It's rich in minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients, carotenoids, and flavonoids that support antioxidant protection. Also, ajwain oil contains terpenoids, alkaloids, glycosides, and many other bioactive compounds.

Ajwain oil is good for treating muscle spasms because it has antispasmodic properties enhanced by the presence of thymol which makes it a powerful pain killer. This implies that ajwain oil is good for treating griping and colic pains, menstrual cramps, asthma, arthritis, and edema. It's also generally used for atonic seizures, flatulence, dyspepsia, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and piles. 

How Can I Make Ajwain Seed Powder At Home?

Ajwain powder is very essential in cooking especially in various Indian dishes and can also be considered as ajwain spice. It's worth knowing that ajwain powder has all the nutritional values contained in ajwain seeds because it's from the seeds that the powder is produced. Making ajwain powder at home is an easy and simple task that does not require much knowledge being that it's a straight-to-the-point process.

In order to start the process of preparing ajwain powder, the first thing to do is to gather the quantity of the ajwain seeds that you want to turn into power after which you are to sieve them very well and make sure that it's clean from dirt and unwanted particles. Then proceed to dry the seeds under the sun for a few days and have them roasted or fried under low heat for about 3 minutes by stirring continuously. 

Allow the roasted seeds to cool down to room temperature and go ahead to put them in a blender and grind them into a fine powder, behold the end product is your ajwain powder and ready to use. Pour in a dry airtight container for storage and take some out each time you want to use it. 

How Can I Make Ajwain Leaf Powder At Home?

Just as you can be able to turn ajwain seeds into powder, it's also possible to turn ajwain leaves into powder for long-term storage which can also be used as a spice for cooking and making ajwain tea. Making powder from the ajwain leaves is an easy process as it does not require much knowledge to get it done. First of all, you have to harvest the quantity of the ajwain leaves you want to turn into powder and wash them properly so that there are no debris or dirt on them. 

After washing, the next thing to do is to squeeze the excess water on the leaves away and spread the leaves under the sun for several days until it's properly dried, and change color from green to light brown. You will know that the leaves are dried properly when you touch it and it breaks and turns into small particles. After the drying process, go ahead and put the dried leaves into an oven for about 5 minutes and dry it the second time so that the heat from the oven penetrates the leaves and kills any form of germs on them. 

Once that is done, remove it from the oven and allow it to cool down for the final process. When it cools down, go ahead and put the leaves into a blender and grind it into powder so that there are no particles found on it. But eventually, there are still some particles on it after blending it, go ahead and sieve it to get the fine powder separated from the particles which can also be used for cooking or to make ajwain tea. Now that you have made your powder, store your ajwain leaves powder in a container, cover it and keep it in a cool place.

How Can I Make Ajwain Water At Home?

Ajwain water contains many health benefits as it's packed with various compounds that flush out toxins and germs from the body thereby fighting infections and dealing with unwanted diseases. The medicinal value of ajwain water comes from the numerous nutrients that are contained in the ajwain plant its self. A lot of people prefer to consume ajwain through this liquid form because it's quite easy to drink as well as it has all the required nutrients condensed in the water.

Ajwain water is also known as oma water which is very common in ayurvedic traditional medicine and other trado-medical practices. Oma water has been used for many years in dealing with different ailments because of its effectiveness and efficacy. In order to prepare oma water or ajwain water at home, all you need to do is to get some ajwain seeds and make sure that they are well sieved and free of dirt. Wash them properly and put them in a pot adding some water to it after which you are to stir and mix it very well.

Go ahead and place the pot on the stove or gas cooker whichever one is available to you and boil it for about 10 to 20 minutes so that the ajwain seeds change the color of the water. Once that is done, remove the pot from the stove and allow the pot to cool down a bit after which you are to use a strainer to separate the ajwain seeds from the water. Once separated, the water can now be taken either warm or cold. So that is how you can make your own ajwain water at home of which is very easy to prepare.

How Can I Grow Ajwain Plant At Home?

Growing your own ajwain plant at home can be very beneficial in the sense that you know exactly the condition in which the ajwain you are consuming is being grown compared to the ones you buy at the market which you are not sure the process it went through knowing that the condition in which a plant is grown contributes to its efficacy and effectiveness. For example, a plant grown in a very ample and enabling condition is more likely to do well and grab all the required nutrients than a plant grown in a lesser enabling condition.

Of course, ajwain is an easy plant to grow as it can be grown indoors as well as outdoors and are best gown between August and November especially when planting outdoor on a large scale. Ajwain can be grown indoors in a container which is ideal for people that do not have outdoor space to grow this wonderful medicinal plant. First of all, you have to prepare the soil you want to plant ajwain and make sure it's suitable for the plant and is the right type of soil to plant in. Even though ajwain can survive in different types of soil but the best soil to grow ajwain is well-drained alkaline soil. 

Ajwain is an annual plant that is usually cultivated by seeds although it can also be grown by cuttings. In order to grow ajwain from the seeds, insert the seeds about a quarter to half-inch deep into the soil or scatter the seeds on the soil and press it down to avoid the wind or rain moving it from the position you placed it. After planting, be sure to water it daily for a week until it starts to germinate which usually will take 7 to 10 days. 

Once the germination occurs, you can transplant the seedling to a bigger container for it to have more space to produce. The process of planting ajwain through cutting is similar to planting it by seeds as you are to insert the ajwain stem into the soil and allow it to germinate while watering and taking care of it. For sure, there is a need to add organic manure to the soil before planting ajwain so that you get to enrich the soil more and make it more suitable to grow your plant and give it more nutrients. 

Ajwain is best grown under moderate sun or shade as too much sun can be too harsh on the plant and make it go dry. Also, keeping the soil moist but not too much will help the plant grow in a healthy condition and become productive. Although growing ajwain at home on a container is not a bad idea, but having an outside space or a farm to grow it will give you more benefits because you can grow it in larger quantity and also the benefits a plant gets when grown on the natural soil is greater than when it's grown in a container.

It usually does not take too long for ajwain leaves and flowers to be harvested after planting as you can harvest the ajwain leaves and flowers after 6 to 7 weeks of planting. The leaves can be used first in cooking before the seeds because the leaves get mature before the seeds of which the seeds can take up to 5 to 6 months to mature before harvesting. You can cut part of the leaves with scissors or a sharp knife and take the quantity you want to use for cooking but you have to be careful so that you don't cut too much knowing fully well that the plant has to stay alive for the seeds to mature as well.

Once the seeds of ajwain are matured enough to be harvested, the seeds will look greyish brown which is a sign that it's ready to be harvested. Of course, the harvesting can be by making use of a thresher or gently hitting the removed ajwain plants with a stick so that the ajwain seeds fall out into your harvesting bag or bowl. Harvesting ajwain with a thresher is usually applicable where ajwain is cultivated on a large scale while hitting it with a stick is the manual process of doing it which is normally for harvesting on a smaller scale especially when planted at home in containers or in the garden. 

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How Can I store Ajwain Seeds And Leaves?

It's a known fact that every plant is best used or eaten when still fresh so that you get the full taste and flavor as well as all the nutritional benefits associated with it. But most often it's hard to get fresh plants on a daily basis because people living in the urban areas do not have the time to go to the rural areas or market every day to get fresh plants rather they prefer to buy their plants in large quantities and store them for future use which is ideal being that you have to cook and feed every day and having things stored makes it much easier for you.

As such, the issue of how to store ajwain is not different from other plants because it's better stored than not having it when you need it. Ajwain leaves do not have a longer time to be stored just like every other fresh leaf. The leaves of ajwain can only be store under a normal temperature for not more than 24 hours otherwise it will shrink, change color and get spoilt knowing that it's best used when fresh preferably 2 hours after harvesting it but when it can not be used within 2 hours after harvest, then it can be kept in a cool dry place not more than 24 hours for maximum benefits.

Ajwain leaves can also be stored in the refrigerator for a few more days but not more than 3 days in other to still maintain the effectiveness. When storing ajwain leaves in a refrigerator, it's best to store them in the lower compartment of the refrigerator where they will not get too cooled and freeze. Wash the leaves very well and put it in a bowl and place it in the refrigerator and make sure the temperature is not too high. To make the ajwain leaves fresher you can wrap them with taro leaves or pawpaw leaves before putting them in the refrigerator as that will help maintain the freshness.

As for storing the seeds of ajwain, that is a different ball game because ajwain seeds can be stored and used for a longer period of time, unlike the leaves. When you purchase or harvest your ajwain seeds which you want to store, all you have to do is to make sure that the ajwain seeds are dried without any form of moist on them knowing fully well that if you store ajwain seeds that have moisture on them, it will decay on the process of storing it due to the moisture. First, you have to dry the seeds under the sun for a week or more so that it's free from moist, then go ahead and store in a glass jar, container or bowl and cover the lid. 

After transferring the dried ajwain seeds into the storage container, be sure to keep the stored ajwain seeds in a cool place for long-term storage. The other way you can store ajwain seeds and leaves for much longer periods is by turning the ajwain seeds into powder form as well as the leaves which can be used as spices for cooking or preparing herbal medications. 

What Are The Benefits And Uses Of Ajwain Leaves?

The uses and benefits of ajwain leaves are numerous of which below are some of the important ones:

  • Ajwain leaves can be used to make ajwain tea which can be taken as an alternative to green tea as it helps to detox the body and flush out toxins and mucus.
  • Fresh leaves of ajwain can be used for cooking by adding it to the food as vegetables thereby giving your meals delicious flavor and enriching the food with ajwain nutrients.
  • Ajwain leaves are used for making herbal smoothies at home while adding other healthy fruits and vegetables to supplement it to make it more nutritious and tasty.
  • The leaves of ajwain are used to prepare salads and raita to give it a unique flavor as well as enhance nutrition. Chop the leaves of ajwain and add them to your salad and raita.
  • Ajwain leaves can be turned into powder and used as a spice to add flavor to your food and other recipes. It can also be used for baking and grilling if you decide to add it.
  • Ajwain leaves are very beneficial for hair growth because it nourishes the hair follicles and prevents scalp infections as well as hair fall.
  • The presence of rich vitamins A, C, zinc, fiber, and selenium contained in ajwain leaves help to maintain and balance your body while regulating your hormones. Also, it helps to keep your body hydrated thereby helping your skin fight acne and other related skin issues.
  • Ajwain leaves can be beneficial in boosting the immune system of children and well as adults being that it contains numerous nutritional properties that are healthy to the body.
  • The consumption of ajwain leaves can give relief to people battling with stomachache as well as other stomach-related problems such as abdominal disorders.
  • Ajwain leaves have as many benefits as ajwain seeds itself and can give all the nutritional values gotten from ajwain seeds of which most research suggests that ajwain leaves are powerful than the seeds.

Summary And Takeaway

Various areas of the ajwain plant were discussed in this article touching virtually every part that is important for the reader to gain knowledge from knowing that ajwain has numerous uses and health benefits which most people are not aware of because most countries of the world know little about ajwain except some countries like Iran, Egypt, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and especially India where this amazing plant is mostly used for cooking and Ayurveda. As such, this report covered the overall overview of ajwain, the characteristics, nutritional values, health benefits, how to make ajwain leaf powder, how to grow ajwain plant as well as the side effect and precautions of eating ajwain plant.

Also, this report went further to cover the dosage recommended for ajwain consumption, the benefits and uses of ajwain leaves, how to make ajwain oil at home, how to make ajwain seed powder (which is ajwain spice) at home, how to make ajwain water for health, the other names that ajwain is known by, how to store ajwain seeds and leaves when you have it in bulk and the uses of ajwain for food preparation. The importance of ajwain in our daily lives can not be over-emphasized being that it can help in various ailments while serving as food at the same time. It's worth knowing that ajwain should be consumed in moderation to avoid eating an excess of it which may have serious side effects. 

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Related Sources:
Images from https://pixabay.com

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