Penis problems and solutions for men over 40 is a very serious topic that needs to be addressed due to the fact that no matter the age of a man, the penis is a very important organ that makes the man feel like a man. Without the function of the penis, it is often said that a man is incomplete because it is generally perceived that a man should be sexually capable for him to be considered a full man. Therefore, in this guide, you are going to learn and understand the following:

  • What causes sudden erectile dysfunction
  • What does sexually active mean
  • How to be sexually active again
  • Low sexual drive causes for older men
  • Penis problems and solutions
  • Penis health tips for older men
  • Changes that occur on the tip of the penis
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To a man, the penis is the most important part of his privacy knowing fully well that the penis is what he uses to get the most pleasure of his life being that it is a sex organ that is very essential to a man's life. Of course, there is no doubt that a man's sexual performance declines with age which is why younger men are more sexually active than older men. The problems that happen to a man's penis with age usually start after the age of forty and above which makes the man less sexually active due to some reasons that will be discussed in this guide.

Apart from being the sex organ of the man, the penis functions as the channel by which urine leaves the body to pass out waste products. Therefore, the health of the penis is very important to any man because the penis is not only the joystick of a man but also it is an organ that aids the excretion of waste materials from the body. Even though age can be a factor in the sexual performance of the penis, but the truth is that most men are still active even in their 60s because of different reasons which could be due to good genes, good health, and physical activeness, etc.  

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Because of the fact that this guide is all about penis problems and solutions, you may be asking, what does sexually active mean? This is simply the ability to engage in sexual activity with a person and at the end become able to satisfy the person or each other. As such, in this guide, we are going to dissect the major reasons why a man's penis becomes weak and sexually inactive with age as well as how to avoid low performance of the penis due to aging thereby improving the sexual performance of the penis not minding the age knowing that even a 90 years old man can be able to satisfy and impregnate a woman if he is sexually active. With that being said, below are some of the major reasons why a man's penis and sexual performance deteriorates due to the aging process:

  1. The testosterone levels decrease, so sexual arousal becomes harder to happen.
  2. When the man gets older there is a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm.
  3. Due to old age, it takes a long time for a man to get erected as well as orgasm, and even after an orgasm, it becomes difficult to get an erection again.
  4. The aging process sometimes comes along with erectile dysfunction due to the aging of the different parts of the penis.
  5. The manifestation of gradual decline in the functions of the urinary system, as urine flow in men becomes weaker over time due to the weakness of muscles in the bladder as well as the enlargement of the prostate gland.
  6. When a man gets older, most times there are some ailments that come with old age which can also affect the sexual performance of a man.

Signs Of A Man's Penis Changes Due To Age

As a man ages, the penis ages along with him, and as such the penis undergoes some physical changes in the process. The last stage of peak sexual performance of a man is usually between 40 years and the middle age of which when a man passes this stage, physical changes occur with the penis. Of course, there are three major changes to the physical appearance of the penis due to age, and these penis changes include:

  1. The Change that occurs on the tip of the penis, which makes it slowly lose its normal color because of reduced blood flow. 
  2. The gradual loss of pubic hair as a result of the testosterone level dropping which in most cases leaves the penis without hair.
  3. The change in penis size which happens because of weight gain which is common among men as they age. When fats pile up in the lower abdomen and above the pubic area, the size of the penis happens to change which makes it appear shorter and smaller.

The Causes Of The Shrinkage Of The Penis And Testicles

This can happen because of atherosclerosis which is a build-up of fatty materials in the small arteries of the penis which block proper blood flow to the penis. This also causes the blockage of coronary arteries which is the main cause of heart attacks. Because of the blockage, erectile dysfunction may occur due to a shortage of blood flow as internal scars occur in the cavernous bodies which are responsible for erection. Also, malformation may happen in the penis structure and result in Peyronie's disease which usually occurs in middle age. This can further cause painful erections, low erection, and the inability to perform sexually and may require surgery in certain cases. The shrinkage of the penis and testicles happens due to the above factors thereby making the penis inactive in most cases which answers the question of what causes sudden erectile dysfunction.

Penis Sensitivity With Aging 

As the man gets older, it happens that the penis becomes less sensitive over time, and because of this, the manifestation of an erection of the penis and orgasm can be affected which reduces the pleasure of sexual intercourse. Older men over the age of 40 have been known to show a significant decrease in libido, ejaculation, erectile function as well as poor sexual satisfaction which is a serious problem or challenge to many being that they can no longer satisfy their partner in bed which may have a negative effect in a relationship. As such, it is very evident that penis sensitivity deteriorates with age which is among the main low sexual drive causes. 

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How To Avoid Low Sexual Performance That Comes With Age

Even though age will always tell on the sexual performance of a man, but there are some things you can do to at least avoid a portion of the effect of age on the penis in order to improve your sexual performance and enjoy sex while you age. Therefore, below are the following ways on how to be sexually active again and help your sex life as you get older:

  1. Make sure that you are free from any sexually transmitted infections because that can result in a low sexual performance while you age. Visit your doctor to get treated for any infection and that of your partner as well knowing that if your body is healthy, you will have more urge for sex than when you are unhealthy.
  2. Avoid eating too much sugary, salty, fried, or processed foods because that will cause some complications to your health and make you less sexually active because they are not healthy to the body in general. This is among other very important penis health tips for older men.
  3. Avoid bad habits like smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or abusing drugs as all this will damage your system and bring down your sexual performance. 
  4. Make it a routine to exercise the body regularly knowing that physical activeness contributes greatly to sexual performance.
  5. Do not engage in sexual activity every day, rather try to have sex every few days so that you reserve the energy and libido to have more sex in the long run.
  6. Always maintain a healthy diet by eating healthy food rich in fruits and vegetables, unsaturated fat, vitamins, and minerals as well as zinc and iron.
  7. Visit your doctor to know which aphrodisiacs can help your sex life so that you can get the supplements for yourself.
  8. If you have any health condition that stops you from sexual performance such as stroke, arthritis, diabetes and heart diseases, etc, consult your doctor to help you control the situation while you also consult a sex therapist to help you know how to get the best out of your sex life with these conditions.
  9. Avoid worrying, depressing, stressing, or overworking yourself as that can affect your sex life negatively and lead to low sexual performance which is another answer to what causes sudden erectile dysfunction?
  10. Make sure to live a happy life where you can go on vacations and give yourself a treat as happiness and peace of mind can contribute to the improvement of your sexual performance.

Summary And Takeaway

In this article, we talked about the importance of the penis to men and different reasons why the penis weakens as the man ages thereby resulting in low sexual performance. we also talked about the signs of a man's penis changes due to age, the reasons for the shrinkage of the penis and testicles as well as penis sensitivity with aging while concluding the article with different tips on how to avoid low sexual performance that comes with age. Now that you know the reasons for poor sexual performance because of age and how to avoid it or minimize it, it is left for you to put into practice what you have learned in order to improve your sex life which is really very important for every man.

Meanwhile, we also touched on the following areas just to give the reader a proper understanding of this guide: what causes sudden erectile dysfunction, what does sexually active mean, how to be sexually active again, penis problems and solutions, low sexual drive causes for older men, penis health tips for older men and changes that occur on the tip of the penis. With that being said, it is recommended that you identify the cause of your penis problems and know the best way to go about it so that you can get back to normal and be able to enjoy sex again while you age of which if you follow the information in this guide and work together with your doctor, you certainly will get your desired result in no due time.

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