Blackheads can be so annoying when you find them on your skin because it can make you feel uncomfortable knowing that your skin is not the way it's supposed to be and that sometimes can cause an inferiority complex or make you feel insecure when you are around other people. In this article, you are going to learn the following about blackheads:

  • What blackheads are all about
  • The causes of blackheads on the skin
  • How to get rid of blackheads at home naturally
  • How to avoid getting blackheads on the skin
  • People who are most likely to get blackheads
  • How long it takes to treat blackheads at home

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Blackheads are one of the most common skin problems in males and females of all ages which is as a result of the accumulation of fats and oils secreted by the body in addition to some dirt on the skin which affects the skin and results in blackheads.

Many people suffer from the appearance of blackheads on the skin which is a problem that distorts the beauty of the skin and worries the sufferer. It spreads mostly among the youth group but is not limited to young people only as elderly people can also be exposed to blackheads on their skin. 

Blackheads often appear mostly on oily skin and are characterized by small dark pores, and if tampered with without applying proper hygiene and disinfection can spread to other parts of the skin surface and make things worse.

The skin on a daily basis accumulates all kinds of dirt, oil, sebum, and dead cells which can result in blocked pores and hair follicles leading to skin conditions such as blackheads, acne, whiteheads, and rashes, etc. Blackheads are mostly black in color with tiny raised bumps on the skin surface.

Blackheads are caused as a result of oil and sebum blocking the pores on your skin. This usually occurs when the skin is not cleaned properly and the oil on the skin settles in the pores for a long time which turns black over time after being exposed to oxygen from the air thereby forming blackheads.

Blackheads are mostly found on the face, nose, cheeks, forehead as well as the chin area, but they can also appear on other parts of the body. Some of the other causes of blackheads include hormonal changes, smoking, alcohol, stress, cosmetics, and inheritance, etc.

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It's worth noting that picking, popping, and squeezing of blackheads are not the best options to tackle blackheads because this approach could make the situation worse and may leave a huge bump on the skin which may be hard to get rid of at the end of the day.

When looking for an effective blackhead remover, it’s important that the mixture contains active ingredients that will open the pores and extract clogged dirt, oil as well as dead skin cells that is causing the formation of blackheads on the skin. 

If you use the appropriate blackhead remover on the skin to eliminate blackheads, you will not only get rid of the blackheads but you will also prevent them from reoccurring.

At this juncture, you are going to learn a simple home remedy to help you get rid of blackheads easily using available ingredients you can find at home. This home remedy is very effective and can be used for other skin conditions such as acne, rashes, and whiteheads, etc.

In order to prepare this home remedy, you are going to need half a tablespoon of salt, one tablespoon of baking soda, and three tablespoons of fresh lemon juice. Of course, all the ingredients mentioned here are natural exfoliators that have the ability to eliminate dead skin cells.

Mix the ingredients together in a bowl and stir properly until it turns into a paste. Scrub the area of your skin that is affected with blackheads using warm water and dry it properly after which you are to rub the paste made from the ingredients on the area deeply.

Leave the paste on the surface of the blackheads for few hours and wash off with warm water. You can do this at night before bedtime so that you can leave the paste on the blackheads the next morning before washing it off which will be more effective.

Repeat this two or three times in a week and you will notice that before the second week is over your blackheads are gone for good. To avoid getting blackheads, make sure to keep your skin clean at all times by washing properly.

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Washing the skin with clean water especially for people with oily skin reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands, and reduces the accumulation of impurities in the hair follicles. Disinfect the tools used on the skin such as brushes, sponges, and towels in order to maintain healthy skin hygiene.

Also, drinking a lot of water throughout the day is one of the important things that can help get rid of toxins from the body, and provide the skin with freshness and serenity while reducing the appearance of blackheads, pimples, and inflammation.

Some of the other tips to avoid getting blackheads include removing makeup on the face before going to bed, changing the pillow covers regularly, and following a healthy diet that contains fruits, vegetables, and other nutrients that the body needs to flourish.

Summary And Takeaway

In this article, the issue of how to get rid of blackheads at home naturally was discussed while pointing out some of the causes of blackheads on the skin, how to avoid getting blackheads on the skin as well as how long it can take to treat blackheads at home. Also, the general information that the reader needs to know about blackheads was covered making it easy for the reader to understand all about blackheads and how to go about treating it at home through a simple natural home remedy that does not cost much. One of the most important facts about avoiding the occurrence of blackheads on the skin is to always keep the skin clean and healthy at all times.

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