What are the benefits of water with lemon is a very significant question that needs to be addressed considering the enormous amount of health benefits one can get with the combination of lemon and water of which in this guide you are going to learn and understand the following:

  • Benefits of lemon with water
  • Side effects of water with lemon
  • Nutritional facts about lemons
  • How to prepare lemon water
  • Benefits of lemon water on skin
  • Is lemon water good for weight loss
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Lemon is one of the important citrus fruits in the world. It is known for its soured taste and is a rich source of many vitamins, minerals, fibers, and plant compounds that give the body different health benefits. To partake in these benefits, you can use the lemon fruit to prepare a drink of water and lemon. This is done by simply adding the juice of half glass of lemon to also a half or full glass of either boiled, warm or cold water of which you can enhance or change the flavor, by adding some slices of lime, orange, ginger, as well as some honey or cinnamon, etc.

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Benefits Of Lemon With Water

For sure, water and lemon provide many nutrients to the body of which the nutritional value provided depends on the amount of lemon juice, and any other ingredients added together. Some of the known benefits of water and lemon include the following:

1) Supports Hydration In The Body: Because of the fact that the body needs to be hydrated in order to function properly, the mixture of lemon juice and water give the body the hydration it needs because there are people who do not like the taste of ordinary water, and therefore drinking water, and lemon can help them to drink water in more quantities thereby giving the body enough amount of water to live on.

2) Promotes Skin Health: The high amount of vitamin C in lemon helps reduce skin wrinkles which are among the benefits of lemon water on skin as a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that consuming vitamin C in large quantities can reduce the chances of having dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

3) Reduces The Risk Of Kidney Stones: The citric acid in lemon can help to prevent the formation of kidney stones which is why it is recommended to increase the consumption of citric acid knowing that drinking lemon mixed with water provides the body with citric acid and the water it needs as well.

4) Provides The Body With Vitamin C: Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, which is an essential antioxidant that helps protect body cells from damage. The vitamin C in lemon can reduce the risk of many diseases including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and certain cancers of which research has shown that people with low levels of vitamin C, especially people who suffer from obesity and high blood pressure, have an increased risk of having a stroke. In addition, vitamin C can help prevent colds in some people or reduce the duration of infection.

5) Promotes Digestion: Some people make use of lemon mixed with water as a daily purgative in the morning because it contributes to increasing the movement of the digestive system thereby helping prevent constipation.

6) Supports Weight Loss: You may be asking, is lemon water good for weight loss? The polyphenols in lemons, which are considered an antioxidant can help to reduce excessive weight gain because it works to burn down body fats thereby promoting weight loss. In addition, the polyphenols in lemon can reduce inflammation in the body as well as help prevent diabetes, and at the same time help in the recovery from type 2 diabetes.

7) Nourishes The Beneficial Bacteria In The Intestines: The combination of water and lemon juice promotes satiety, in addition to feeding the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, this is because it contains pectin, which enhances human health and reduces the risk of many diseases which further answers the question what are the benefits of water with lemon?

8) Eliminates Bad Odors: It is believed that lemon removes bad odors, and it has been used in traditional remedy recipes. To remove bad breath resulting from eating foods with strong odors, such as onions, garlic, ginger, and fish, and to maintain a good breath, it is recommended to drink a glass of lemon and water after meals as it is believed to stimulate the secretion of saliva, which in turn helps prevent dry mouth that can result in bad breath usually caused by excessive bacterial growth.

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Nutritional Facts About Lemons

The nutritional content of lemon can not be overlooked because of its many benefits to human health and as such, below are among the known nutrients that can be obtained from the consumption of lemon:

  • Selenium
  • Vitamin C
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Folate
  • Choline
  • Vitamin A
  • Energy
  • Carbohydrates
  • Calcium 
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Thiamin 
  • Riboflavin
  • Copper
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Manganese

How To Prepare Lemon Water

The method of preparing a water and lemon drink is quite a simple process. Start by adding the juice of half glass of lemon to a half or full glass of boiled, warm, or cold water of which other ingredients can be added to enhance the flavor such as a teaspoon of honey, a little cinnamon, a little mint, or slices of another citrus such as orange, lime or slices of cucumber or better still a few slices of fresh ginger. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water mixed with lemon in the morning, and leave a jug of water containing some lemon slices in the refrigerator to consume all day long.

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Side Effects Of Water With Lemon

Drinking water and lemon is safe for consumption, but it has a few potential side effects which include the following: 

  • Drinking lemon and water can result in heartburn in some people because lemon contains citric acid, on the other hand, it may reduce the symptoms of heartburn in others, due to its conversion into alkaline materials during the process of digestion.
  • Drinking water and lemon may weaken the tooth enamel because lemon contains citric acid, so it is recommended to dilute the lemon juice properly with water before drinking in order to reduce its effects.
  • Drinking lemon and water in high volume may result in the frequent use of the toilet during the day because this drink works as a diuretic due to the increased amount of lemon and water consumed.

Summary And Takeaway

In this guide, we talked about what are the benefits of water with lemon covering different areas such as nutritional facts about lemons, side effects of water with lemon, how to prepare lemon water, benefits of lemon with water, benefits of lemon water on skin as well as is lemon water good for weight loss. In conclusion, Lemon is a citrus fruit that is very healthy to the body because it contains a high amount of beneficial nutrients to the body which makes it a healthy choice of fruit knowing that lemon is alkaline in nature and also packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

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